The Process.
In a world where stunning photography is embedded in every smartphone, one might call my endeavors a foolhardy attempt. This notion fuels my inspiration and drives me to create the truly unique from the mundane. I did not come up with my process, I discovered it as part of the way my brain works and body operates.
In the midst of a life-changing diagnosis I was confined to bedrest and limited physical exertion for the better part of three years. No joke. Unable to do many of the things that gave my life purpose, I felt lost with no direction to self-worth or fulfillment, all I had was a deep desire to find it. Over the course of those three years, I learned to redefine success, to celebrate the small wins (like getting out of bed to open a window, or putting on socks), and to trust that the little things I do to help myself would form a foundation upon which I could build a fulfilling life. The process was slow and wildly frustrating, but the little wins grew bigger to walking up and down the driveway, then to the end of the street and back, bit by bit, further I went and with each step forward I discovered moments of gratitude that stuck with me when I would fall two steps back. The gratitude was so profound, that I was compelled to capture it as a reminder, so my camera with me.
One autumn day, I found myself standing before a giant Weeping Willow tree at Edgewater State Park in Cleveland, Ohio. It was cold, wet and gray. The tree, recently lush with green leaves, had thinned out and turned to dull, muted shades of yellow. At the time, it was depressing to me, perhaps because I saw myself reflected in its diminished state. “Jason, there is beauty here, open yourself to finding it.” I looked up and was captivated by how the branches extended out and upward in an organic fashion. “Found it.” This was a moment I had to capture, and this was the moment that led to the discovery of my process.
As I sat at my computer staring at the image of the tree, I was drawn to the idea of turning this otherwise bland, amateurish photo, into something gorgeous. Ignorant to the “dos” and “dont’s” of photo editing, I explored the possibilities of what I could accomplish with a few basic tools. I discovered the ability to manipulate individual shades of light and color, how to pull hidden color out and dial back what was prominent. The various shades of yellow turned into an explosion of vibrant color. I paused to take it in and wept. I had created something, from nothing, that I found to be absolutely beautiful. It needed a name, and the first thing that came to me was what I felt in that moment… “Renewal of My Spirit.”
Suddenly, I didn’t feel quite as lost. I found direction. This is the moment I decided to continue seeking out beauty in the mundane. To look at the everyday with gratitude from a colorful perspective.
My process has evolved and grown over time as I discover new ways to express my gratitude, but each work of art I create begins the same, with a renewal of my spirit.