Is time real? Time will tell. But it may not be real.
I recently read an article titled “How logic alone may prove that time doesn’t exist.”
My thoughts: In our current state, humans can only experience/observe time (change over duration) in a linear fashion, therefore it is near impossible to conceive the true nature of what we call time. However, it's possible everything that ever happened and everything that could happen is occuring in the present moment, but in ways we cannot experience/observe.
My conclusion: The concept of "time" is no different than the concept of religion in that it helps us make sense of our existence. And like the concept of God, time is a placeholder for something we do not understand. Time establishes a control group to compare change (as we experience it), just like religion establishes a higher power to compare ourselves. It’s also possible that our experience of time is wholly accurate. Presently, there’s no way for us to know. Perhaps in time, we'll get closer to the truth.
Read article here: How logic alone may prove that time doesn't exist (