Watch my "Thin Line - Love/Hate” AI animation!
I used AI to animate my non-AI created art specifically for the Thin Line exhibit at Kaiser Gallery in Tremont, Ohio. Watch what happens when my photographic pop art comes to life, morphs, and evolves into mesmerizing, provocative, thrilling, unnerving, hopeful and playful scenes. See the exhibit at Kaiser Gallery in Tremont, Ohio / March 8 - May 5, 2024. AI is not just coming, its here and we have decisions to make. Some people love it, some hate it, some don't know much about it yet. AI has ruffled feathers in almost every industry, including the art world. Is AI generated content art? Is it original? Is AI just another tool, like a new paintbrush? Something tells me we'll be having this debate for decades to come.
Each piece below was created by me (without AI) and then used with AI to animate into the video above. All are for sale, check them out!